TU BA 4 year (I Year) 2078 - Sociology (Dynamics of Nepali Society) (So422)



T.U. Exam 2078
Time: 3 hrs.
Full Marks: 70
Attempt any TWO questions from Group A and FOUR from Group B
Group "A" (Long Answer Question) 2x15=30
1. Give your ideas on land tenure and taxation system in Nepal with reference to Mahesh Chandra Regmi (1999)
2. Explain socio-economic history of Nepali society. Discuss Napalma Garibiko Sthiti with suitable examples.
3. State the process of nation-building. Elaborate nation building, multi-ethnicity and the Hindu State in reference with Prayag Raj Sharma 2006.
Group "B" (Short Answer Question)    4x10=40
4. What is inclusion? Explain the issues of inclusion according to Tika Ram Gautam.
5. What do you mean by the idea of nationalism? Elaborate the nation of nationalism with reference to state and society in Nepal (Gurung 2008).
6. Briefly discuss the historical development of education in Nepal.
7. Elaborate health system in Nepal on the basis of Sharad Onta, Janaswasthya ra rajya.
8. What is urbanization? Explain the idea of urbanization in reference to Nepalma Saharikaran Ek Simhavalokan.
9. Write short notes on (any TWO):
a. Secularism
b. Ethnictiy
c. Cultural diversity in Nepal